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Log Catch

Log Catch is used for searching for sensitive information in the database, and 5W1H for all logs collected and access to personal information access record management solution that accurately identifies...More

Log Catch is used for searching for sensitive information in the database, and 5W1H for all logs collected and access to personal information access record management solution that accurately identifies and stores. Less

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Peta Insight

Real-time data replication between the cloud and on-premises, as well as heterogeneous DBMS and data integration solutions that support synchronization....More

Real-time data replication between the cloud and on-premises, as well as heterogeneous DBMS and data integration solutions that support synchronization.


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Get a 28-day free trial after signing up at Wears Valley.
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Safe World

The safe digital world, with wears valley data.
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Sign Up

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Protection Product

The core of DB is safety and delicacy that does not lose the essence of customer assets.
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